Eating and biking our way through the Americas .... and beyond!

Tour Blog (page 4)

Bike around the world with us ...

Although we’re meant to be cycling through Ecuador at the moment …. we’re actually in Germany as of today! David’s sister is getting married this weekend, so we have found a friendly hostel in Quito (Casa Helbling) that is willing to look after our bikes and panniers for a couple of weeks and are taking a little break in Europe to attend the wedding and catch up with friends and family. We have been on the road for nearly a year now, so we are VERY excited about our “little holiday from our holiday”, although we are a bit anxious about losing our hard-earned, climbing fitness! We are looking forward to getting back on the road again soon – there will be much more camping, dirt roads and high mountain passes from Quito onwards! :)

We are in Medellin, Colombia now and our bikes are at the bike shop to have the spokes replaced. Unfortunately (for us), there is a long weekend in Colombia this weekend, so they won’t be finished until Tuesday. So, we have a few days to explore Colombia’s second largest city. Thankfully, its much cheaper here than in Central America! :)

Yesterday we went on an Exotic Fruit Tour with Real City Tours through the fruit section of the Minorista Market, where we learnt about and tried a range of exotic, tropical fruits. We are looking forward to eating a lot more of these fruits while touring through Colombia!